1. Among the followers of Porphet Mohamed (SAW), whose name is mentioned in the Qur'an?
Ans: Zaid Bin Harisath Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
2. To whom among the ladies, Allah conveyed salams (salutations, regards) through angel Jibreel (Gebriel)?
Ans: Sitthna Khadheejath Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
3. What are the 7 people who will, on the day of judgement, be in the shade of 'Arsh?
1. The Just Ruler
2. A young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah (i.e worship Allah (alone) sincerely from childhood).
3. The man whose heart is attached to the mosque (i.e. who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque)
4. Two persons who loved each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only.
5. A man who refuses the call of a charming women of a nobel birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah
6. A person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. no body knows how much he has given in charity)
7. A person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears.
4. About whom Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) told "if there could be another messanger (Nabi) after me, he would be (.........)???
Ans: Umar Bin Khatthaab Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
5. Which Sahaba embraced islam on the hand of a Thabi'ee muslim?
Ans: 'Amr bunul 'Aas Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
6. What is the actual name of "A'bdhul Mutthalib"?
Ans: Shaibathul 'Hamdhu
7. To whom the title "The sword of Allah" is given?
Ans: Khalidh Bin Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
8. Which chapter of the Qur'an was revealed twice, (Makki and Madhani)?
Ans: Soorathul Fathi'ha
9. What name is given to those hadheeth, that are told by both Bukhari & Muslim?
Ans: Mutthafaqun 'Alaihi
10. Which city is called the mother of all the cities?
Ans: Makka / Mecca
11. Islam dheenahtaka enme furathama ah ohoruvun leyaky kon beykaleh ge sababun ohoruvun le eh?
Ans: Sa'dh bin Aby Wa'qqaas ge ai gefaraipulhun
12. "Abu Lahab" ah e nan dhevuny keehve?
Ans: because of the red complexion of his cheek
13. Who was the first Khatheeb (who announced Khuthubah) in Islam?
Ans: Sayyidhna Abu Bakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
14. What only lady's name is mentioned in Qur'an?
Ans: Mariyam
15. Name three signs of the Dooms Day!
Ans: The drying of River Euphrates and a mountain of gold will be revealed
Number of killing of Innocents and masscre increased
The people competing each other to build high buildings
16. Which surah's every verse ends with the "Lam" of Lafz Jalalah?
Ans: Surath-ul-Ikhlas
17. To which prophet the staff was given as a miracle?
Ans: Musa 'Alahissalaam
18. To how many people Allah has guarenteed heaven through prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in their lifetime?
Ans: 10 (Sa'habah)
19. Which chapter (Surah) of the qur'an ends with the name of two prophets?
Ans: Surah A'ula
20. What is the greatest verse in the Qur'an?
Ans: Ayat Al-Kursi
21. Describe some of the qualities of Abu Bakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh.
1. The First man who embraced Islam among the matured men
2. The Only person who companied prophet while he was in the Sawr Cave
3. About whom Mohamed (PBUH) said that Abubakr was the only person who embraced Islam without hesitation for a while (for a second to give a think). "Invitation to Islam and Embracing it came simultaneously
4. Never even in the days of Jahiliyya, Never prostrated to Idols in his entire life.
5. Whose magnificiance in goodness in the site of Allah is more than the total goodness of all other muslims after prophet Mohamed (PBUH)
22. Describe some of the qualities of Umar bin Al-Khatthaab!
1. Ebeykalehge Islam kamun udu thakuge malaikathun Hamdh Sana dhennevi Saahiba
2. Ebeykaleh hingava magakun Ibiless (e soru ganna birakun) higan nukerey beykaleh
3. Ebeykalehge heyo kamuge vaahaka hutta nula 950+ aharu vandhen dheki kamuga viyas hus nuva beykaleh
4. Udugai va tharithakuge 'Adhadhah heyo kan nuvatha mai kan vaa beykaleh
5. Ebeykalehge Islam kamun Islam dheenah Nasr libi vadaigen beykaleh
23. Who is Usman Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh?
Ans: About whom Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said that every Messenger will have a friend in heavens and Usman would be the friend of mine (prophet Mohamed (SAW)) in heavens
and Who married two daughters of Mohamed (PBUH)
24. Who is Ali bin Abi Thalib?
Ans: About whom prophet said, Saahiba of this world and the hereafter. And to whom the sons (Hussain and Hassan) "Suvarugeyge Zuvanunge Saahibun" ge maqaam dhevvun dhe beykalunge bappaafulhukamah vun.
And the first child who embraced Islam
25. Who is titled "Zun-noorain"?
Ans: Usman Bin 'Affan Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh (Both Ruqayya & Ummu Kulsum)
26. Name any 5 among the 10 Sahaba who was told the good news of heavens in their life time.
1. Abubakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
2. Umar Bin Khatthab Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
3. Usman bin 'Affan Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
4. Ali bin Abi Thalib Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
5. Abdhu-Ra'hman bin Auf Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
6. Sayyidh na Thal'hath bin Ubaidhillahi Thaimee Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
7. Abu Ubaidhath Amir bunul Jarrah Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
8. Sau'dh bin Aby Waqqaas (just like Abu Bakr RA (among Ansaariyya)
9. Zubair Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
10. Sa'udh bin Zaidh Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
27. Kon hama ekani alhu kamakah Allah rahkatheri vumah amurukuravvany?
Ans: Namaadhu
28. Qur'an ga kithah dhoonyge vaahaka bayan vefai vey?
Ans: 9
29. which chapter of the Qur'an is said to be the heart of the Qur'an?
Ans: Surah Yasin
30. Name the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an.
1. Adam (Adam)
2. Al-Yasa (Elisha)
3. Ayyub (Jacob)
4. Dawud (David)
5. Dhul-Kifl (Dhul-Kifl)
6. Harun (Aaron)
7. Hud (Hud)
8. Ibrahim (Abraham)
9. Idris (Idris)
10. Ilyas (Elias)
11. Isa (Jesus)
12. Ishaq (Isaac)
13. Isma'il (Ishmael)
14. Lut (Lot)
15. Muhammad or Ahmad (Mohamed)
16. Musa (Moses)
17. Nuh (Noah)
18. Saleh (Saleh)
19. Shu'aib (Shuaib)
20. Sulaiman (Solomon)
21. Ya'qub (Jacob)
22. Yah'ya (John)
23. Yunus (Jonah)
24. Yusuf (Joseph)
25. Zakariya (Zachariya)
Ans: Zaid Bin Harisath Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
2. To whom among the ladies, Allah conveyed salams (salutations, regards) through angel Jibreel (Gebriel)?
Ans: Sitthna Khadheejath Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
3. What are the 7 people who will, on the day of judgement, be in the shade of 'Arsh?
1. The Just Ruler
2. A young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allah (i.e worship Allah (alone) sincerely from childhood).
3. The man whose heart is attached to the mosque (i.e. who offers the five compulsory congregational prayers in the mosque)
4. Two persons who loved each other only for Allah's sake and they meet and part in Allah's cause only.
5. A man who refuses the call of a charming women of a nobel birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allah
6. A person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. no body knows how much he has given in charity)
7. A person who remembers Allah in seclusion and his eyes get flooded with tears.
4. About whom Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) told "if there could be another messanger (Nabi) after me, he would be (.........)???
Ans: Umar Bin Khatthaab Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
5. Which Sahaba embraced islam on the hand of a Thabi'ee muslim?
Ans: 'Amr bunul 'Aas Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
6. What is the actual name of "A'bdhul Mutthalib"?
Ans: Shaibathul 'Hamdhu
7. To whom the title "The sword of Allah" is given?
Ans: Khalidh Bin Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
8. Which chapter of the Qur'an was revealed twice, (Makki and Madhani)?
Ans: Soorathul Fathi'ha
9. What name is given to those hadheeth, that are told by both Bukhari & Muslim?
Ans: Mutthafaqun 'Alaihi
10. Which city is called the mother of all the cities?
Ans: Makka / Mecca
11. Islam dheenahtaka enme furathama ah ohoruvun leyaky kon beykaleh ge sababun ohoruvun le eh?
Ans: Sa'dh bin Aby Wa'qqaas ge ai gefaraipulhun
12. "Abu Lahab" ah e nan dhevuny keehve?
Ans: because of the red complexion of his cheek
13. Who was the first Khatheeb (who announced Khuthubah) in Islam?
Ans: Sayyidhna Abu Bakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
14. What only lady's name is mentioned in Qur'an?
Ans: Mariyam
15. Name three signs of the Dooms Day!
Ans: The drying of River Euphrates and a mountain of gold will be revealed
Number of killing of Innocents and masscre increased
The people competing each other to build high buildings
16. Which surah's every verse ends with the "Lam" of Lafz Jalalah?
Ans: Surath-ul-Ikhlas
17. To which prophet the staff was given as a miracle?
Ans: Musa 'Alahissalaam
18. To how many people Allah has guarenteed heaven through prophet Mohamed (PBUH) in their lifetime?
Ans: 10 (Sa'habah)
19. Which chapter (Surah) of the qur'an ends with the name of two prophets?
Ans: Surah A'ula
20. What is the greatest verse in the Qur'an?
Ans: Ayat Al-Kursi
21. Describe some of the qualities of Abu Bakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh.
1. The First man who embraced Islam among the matured men
2. The Only person who companied prophet while he was in the Sawr Cave
3. About whom Mohamed (PBUH) said that Abubakr was the only person who embraced Islam without hesitation for a while (for a second to give a think). "Invitation to Islam and Embracing it came simultaneously
4. Never even in the days of Jahiliyya, Never prostrated to Idols in his entire life.
5. Whose magnificiance in goodness in the site of Allah is more than the total goodness of all other muslims after prophet Mohamed (PBUH)
22. Describe some of the qualities of Umar bin Al-Khatthaab!
1. Ebeykalehge Islam kamun udu thakuge malaikathun Hamdh Sana dhennevi Saahiba
2. Ebeykaleh hingava magakun Ibiless (e soru ganna birakun) higan nukerey beykaleh
3. Ebeykalehge heyo kamuge vaahaka hutta nula 950+ aharu vandhen dheki kamuga viyas hus nuva beykaleh
4. Udugai va tharithakuge 'Adhadhah heyo kan nuvatha mai kan vaa beykaleh
5. Ebeykalehge Islam kamun Islam dheenah Nasr libi vadaigen beykaleh
23. Who is Usman Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh?
Ans: About whom Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) said that every Messenger will have a friend in heavens and Usman would be the friend of mine (prophet Mohamed (SAW)) in heavens
and Who married two daughters of Mohamed (PBUH)
24. Who is Ali bin Abi Thalib?
Ans: About whom prophet said, Saahiba of this world and the hereafter. And to whom the sons (Hussain and Hassan) "Suvarugeyge Zuvanunge Saahibun" ge maqaam dhevvun dhe beykalunge bappaafulhukamah vun.
And the first child who embraced Islam
25. Who is titled "Zun-noorain"?
Ans: Usman Bin 'Affan Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh (Both Ruqayya & Ummu Kulsum)
26. Name any 5 among the 10 Sahaba who was told the good news of heavens in their life time.
1. Abubakr Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
2. Umar Bin Khatthab Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
3. Usman bin 'Affan Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
4. Ali bin Abi Thalib Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
5. Abdhu-Ra'hman bin Auf Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
6. Sayyidh na Thal'hath bin Ubaidhillahi Thaimee Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
7. Abu Ubaidhath Amir bunul Jarrah Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
8. Sau'dh bin Aby Waqqaas (just like Abu Bakr RA (among Ansaariyya)
9. Zubair Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
10. Sa'udh bin Zaidh Ra'dhiyallah 'Anh
27. Kon hama ekani alhu kamakah Allah rahkatheri vumah amurukuravvany?
Ans: Namaadhu
28. Qur'an ga kithah dhoonyge vaahaka bayan vefai vey?
Ans: 9
29. which chapter of the Qur'an is said to be the heart of the Qur'an?
Ans: Surah Yasin
30. Name the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an.
1. Adam (Adam)
2. Al-Yasa (Elisha)
3. Ayyub (Jacob)
4. Dawud (David)
5. Dhul-Kifl (Dhul-Kifl)
6. Harun (Aaron)
7. Hud (Hud)
8. Ibrahim (Abraham)
9. Idris (Idris)
10. Ilyas (Elias)
11. Isa (Jesus)
12. Ishaq (Isaac)
13. Isma'il (Ishmael)
14. Lut (Lot)
15. Muhammad or Ahmad (Mohamed)
16. Musa (Moses)
17. Nuh (Noah)
18. Saleh (Saleh)
19. Shu'aib (Shuaib)
20. Sulaiman (Solomon)
21. Ya'qub (Jacob)
22. Yah'ya (John)
23. Yunus (Jonah)
24. Yusuf (Joseph)
25. Zakariya (Zachariya)